INJURY UPDATE for March 9th

The week of March 2nd: No Physical Therapy because of my PT Jeremy Phipps wife had her baby so I was on my own here at Work. I was able to do most everything except some Stem work. I was able to do seated knee flexion using the band to pull my knee. I almost was able to get it to where my good knee (left) was – I’m guessing it was close to 110 degrees.

·         Saturday the 7th of March I started off my workout by performing:

·         KB Swings x 15 with DB RDL’s x 10 with –was able to do the Glute /Ham Bench for the first time—felt good!! X 10  4 rounds

·          Leg Extensions (BW) X 15 WITH Single Leg- Leg Press (left leg only) with lying leg curl Machine x 10  4 rounds (knee felt really good)

(got to be careful—not to push it too much)