Financial Peace

The last person that you would want to get financial advice from is me! First of all, I’m not qualified and secondly,  I’ve made way too many financial mistakes. However, you’ve heard me from time to time mention the name Dave Ramsey. Well my wife and I just got through taking his 13 week class called “Financial Peace University” (FPU). Now why in the world would I be talking about Dave Ramsey and Finances?? Because, much of the stress that falls on us comes from financial problems. So when we have our finances under control (instead of it controlling us) we have taken a big step towards Wellness!

                “Financial Peace University” taught me so many things i.e. how to save money, start a budget, how to get out of debt and so much more! I just wish I had known all of this 30 years ago. Some school systems are even teaching the FPU in the classrooms, that’s how popular this FPU is! Our class met every Sunday evening for 2 hours for 13 weeks. The first hour was a video with Dave Ramsey teaching and the second was a group discussion. But believe me, the last thing this class is ---is boring!! So much information!

                If you are also interested in attending (and believe me, it will change how you think about money) then go to But don’t take my word for it, just ask our very own Robert Carter in our Accounting Department, who has also taken this class.  Even someone like him, who’s job is directing and managing money every day, has benefitted from this class!!

                IMPORTANT NOTE: You can hear Dave Ramsey each night on the radio on WBT 1110 am and / or 99.3 fm

                One more item to mention (like this e-mail is not long enough already), there is a book on Wisdom called The Book of Proverbs that was written over 4,000 years ago. Most of what this book states still holds true today.  In the 13th chapter, 4th verse, it states; “A lazy man’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.  The key word is diligent. Diligent in all areas of life that we want to succeed in. Diligent in our faith, family, job, finances, even our health.  So when you’ve worked so hard to get ahead, and things keep falling down around you. When things seem so unfair and you ask yourself why, continue to “keep pounding”, to stay DILIGENT and to fight the good fight, no matter how long it takes, no matter the hard ship, no matter if it’s fair or not, yes fight smart or even smarter, but be diligent and as The Book of Proverbs states, you will be satisfied!!

                                Finish Strong,


Chip Sigmon  CSCS, USAW, CFMT

Fitness/Wellness Coordinator,  Europa Sports Products
